5 Cool Things On The Internet (Vol. VIII)

5 Cool Things On The Internet (Vol. VIII)

1. This Christmas Shopping Beaver

Source: Twitter
Source: Twitter
Source: Twitter

2. Declawing Cats Is Illegal

Did you know that declawing cats is illegal in more than 25 countries? Better be in the know, you don’t want to be arrested for grooming your cat, would you?

Source: Pixabay

Here is the list of countries where declawing is illegal.

  1. England
  2. Scotland
  3. Wales
  4. Italy
  5. Austria
  6. Switzerland
  7. Norway
  8. Sweden
  9. Ireland
  10. Denmark
  11. Finland
  12. Slovenia
  13. Brazil
  14. Australia
  15. New Zealand
  16. Serbia
  17. Montenegro
  18. Macedonia
  19. Slovenia
  20. France
  21. Germany
  22. Bosnia
  23. Malta
  24. Netherlands
  25. Northern Ireland
  26. Portugal
  27. Belgium
  28. Israel

Source: Declawing.com

3. Weirdest thing on the internet: Giraffe Taste Urine

Today, I found out that male giraffes taste the urine of female giraffes to determine if they are fertile. Not sure if this qualifies as cool things on the internet, but facts are always cool!

I looked for a video to show you, but I don’t think it is appropriate to put it here. Just go and look for it on YouTube. ;p

Source: Pixabay

Source: CBC

4. Cutest thing on the internet: this Baby Skunk That Will Give You A Good Morning

5. Chocolate Is Lethal

Just when you thought nothing can come between you and your chocolates, here’s proof that chocolate is lethal, when taken in the dangerous dosage. It is found out that 22lbs. of chocolate is the lethal dose for a person. File this under Cool Things On The Internet life-saving edition.

That is about 40 Dairy Milks or 40 Hershey’s Bars.

Source: Pixabay

Source: Telegraph

Image via Pixabay.

That’s it for today, I hope you enjoyed this week’s Cool ThingsĀ On The Internet!

Want more?

Cool Things On The Internet (Vol. VI)

Cool Things On The Internet (Vol. III)