5 Obscure Pokémon Facts That Are Creepy AF

When people think of Pokémon, they usually think of the cute and cuddly Pikachu. Pokémon aren’t all like stuffed animals, though. For those of you that don’t know, the Pokedex basically lists information about each Pokémon, and every game has one. As someone who’s played Pokémon for almost 20 years, I’ve seen some dark things in there. The following are some Pokedex entries that are seriously creepy, especially for a game that’s often considered to be for kids.


Via the Pokemon Wiki

“A theory exists that this Pokémon was a young boy who couldn’t control his psychic powers and ended up transformed into this Pokémon.”

Imagine if you will accidentally transforming yourself into something inhuman and never being able to turn back. Even your own family wouldn’t be able to recognize you. It might not be so horrifying if it’s something like Pikachu, but looking in the mirror and seeing a Kadabra seems more unsettling than anything. It’s also worth mentioning that this is a child that’s being talked about here, which would make that scenario even more traumatizing.


Via the Pokemon Wiki

“If your nose becomes itchy while you are sleeping, it’s a sure sign that one of these Pokémon is standing above your pillow and trying to eat your dream through your nostrils.”

Doesn’t that sound great? Just kidding; it sounds terrifying. How does anyone get sleep in the world of Pokémon knowing that a Drowzee might be watching them? I guess they’d have to Drowzee-proof their homes to keep them from breaking in and eating peoples’ dreams. That’s just sad – and terrifying!


Via the Pokemon Wiki

“It strikes at humans from total darkness. Those licked by its cold tongue grow weaker with each passing day until they die.”

It’s not often that death is mentioned so unapologetically in a game that children play, but there it is, clear as day. You won’t get sick, you won’t fall down, you will die if Haunter licks you. Also, being licked by a ghost already sounds creepy. They just had to add death into the mix, didn’t they?


Via the Pokemon Wiki

“Should you feel yourself attacked by a sudden chill, it is evidence of an approaching Gengar. There is no escaping it. Give up.”

This is probably the most ominous and paranoia-inducing Pokedex entry I’ve ever read. When the Pokedex, the source of all Pokémon information, tells you to give up, you know you’re dealing with something sinister. Also, this is what Haunter evolves into. It just gets creepier, doesn’t it?


Via the Pokemon Wiki

“The skull it wears on its head is that of its dead mother. According to some, it will evolve when it comes to terms with the pain of her death.”

So basically, this Pokémon’s entire being is based on grieving for its mother. Cubone wears its mother’s skull at all times and presumably carries one of her bones around, which is creepy in itself. Still, imagine being part of a species that always has to deal with the death of a loved one as a part of life. Isn’t that tragic?  It almost makes me want to adopt one. Almost.


Pokedex quotes from the Bulbapedia pages for Kadabra, Drowzee, Haunter, Gengar, and Cubone

Featured image via the Pokemon Wiki