Behold the Incredible Sound and Visual Spectacle of 2008 People Drumming to the Same Beat

Drums are one of, if not the earliest, musical instruments known to man. From the time we are infants, we all understand the allure of a simple beat. The drum is an instrument that seems to resonate deep within our souls. Indeed one could say our hearts beat like drums.

In 2008, during the opening ceremony at the Olympic Games in Beijing, China, the world was treated spectacularly by over 2,000 very talented musicians.


During their performance, the musicians used very unusual drums that more resembled imperial tables than instruments. Each person was dressed in a long silver traditional changshan (the male version of the qipao, a long gown worn by women).


As the performance starts, the artists begin with a wide “v” shaped stretch of their arms outward accompanied by a spirited yell in unison. After ending their yell with a boisterous “Uph!,” the drummers then slammed their hands onto their drums (located in the middle of their tables).


They then began with loud chants followed, slamming their hands into the drums. The entire performance was almost like watching a ballet, the way the artists gracefully moved their bodies in perfect sync.


But things really got interesting when they started using red light sticks to beat their drums, and they even kicked it up a notch by turning off the lights!


You can watch this unique and unforgettable performance in the video below.

This has to be one of my favorite Olympic opening performances to date. One can only imagine the hours (maybe years) of practice all of these performers underwent to achieve this masterpiece.


However, for me, the performance is symbolic of something deeper. It shows just how we all can come together and create something beautiful if we only put our minds to doing so. If you enjoyed this performance, please be sure to show it to your friends and family.