I Wanted To Write This Article … And Then The Murders Began

The opening of a book is everything. The first line has to be powerful and interesting enough to introduce the reader into the story’s universe, but the second line is the one who catches the readers’ attention and intensifies the intrigue of whatever is coming. Tough to come up with, huh?

There are many rules that assure the success of any book, but recently, American writer of science fiction and horror, Marc Laidlaw, shared his secret and genius formula to make any intro a hell of a story!
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And the internet went crazy with “Laidlaw’s rule”. Now everyone is tweeting the first line of famous books, just to prove that the murder formula is the perfect plot twist for EVERY STORY. Results are surprisingly effective and even hilarious! See for yourself.
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Charlotte’s web just got darker:
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Even the bible:

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Harry Potter got its own dose of evil here:

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Even author Neil Gaiman added a little spice to Jane Austen:

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Here are some other ones I loved:

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It even got a little political – and impossible not to laugh at!
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Football just got more interesting…

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Apparently and oddly enough, it even works with engineering textbooks!

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Featured Image via Pexels