Restaurant Has a Staff Emergency, Customers Jump in and Start Running the Place: ‘Beautiful to Witness’

Customers often get grumpy when they have to wait for a long time to get the food they ordered. This is nearly what happened in a popular restaurant in Huntly, New Zealand. Last Friday, it was packed with customers, and the staff had a family emergency and had to leave the post. The cook was left alone to serve all the customers who were waiting at their tables and are in line to get their take-outs.

However, instead of having an evening full of chaos and complaining customers, the cook witnessed a rare occurrence where people banded together, putting faith in humanity back on track. The situation which was “beautiful to witness”, was posted by Emily Puhi on Facebook and was shared by people who loved the story.

According to Emily, when she went to her favorite Thai Food in Huntly when she noticed that the place was packed. All the tables were filled and even the lines are long with people trying to pay or get their take-out orders. She found out that the cook was alone because his staff had a family emergency and didn’t show up. The cook was currently inside the kitchen cooking, so he wasn’t able to serve the tables and tend to the people who are in line.

Then that’s when the magic happens. One lady who was waiting in line started to wait for the tables and another lady, the one from the real estate office next door asked for permission for the cook to man the register. And just like that, all grumpy frowns turned into smiles, and faith in humanity has been restored. As she said, “We could easily feel the sense of community all around the place. Frowns turned to smiles and grumpy waiting turned to patiently wait. What an awesome place to live in.”