‘Hit The Dot’ Is a Simple Visual Test That’s Got Folks Totally Stumped. Can You Pass?

Most folks think of intelligence as something pretty easy to measure. However, science has discovered that the way we traditionally measure intelligence is outdated and fails to define the different kinds of intelligence properly.

In fact, there are theories out there that there are anywhere from three to nine different types of intellect. For example, some are mathematically talented, those who have a good understanding of music, those who pick up languages easily, and those who have amazing visual-spatial abilities.

For professions such as airline pilots, visual-spatial intelligence is a must. One way to test your visual-spatial intelligence is by taking a simple test, such as the one below. For this test, you’ll need to look at the dots presented in each image and pick the colored dot located in the dead center. However, it’s not quite as easy as it sounds. Do you have what it takes? Give it your best shot!

How did you do? Did you nail it? Be sure to share this test with your friends and family and compare your results. And thanks for reading!