If You Can Find the Number 250, You’re in the Top 1% in Intelligence

When it comes to matters involving our vision, we take for granted the ability to identify objects and quickly scan an image to see things. As it turns out, our brains are biologically engineered to do just that. They receive signals from our eyes and then interpret them accurately. Usually. However, when objects that are similar in appearance are grouped closely together, our eyes can play tricks on us and it can become difficult to see what we’re looking for. See, the human brain works like a computer and automatically seeks patterns. The difference between our brains and a computer is that the human brain is much more complex.

Most of the time, we’re not even consciously aware of the fact that we’re making snap decisions about everything we see around us. This is because our brains work in the background at all times. But what about puzzles like the one below? Well, our brains love puzzles. When we’re working on puzzles and quizzes, we’re giving our brains a much-needed workout, and just like if you work any muscle, this workout fine-tunes our skills.

In the image below, look for the number 250. See if you can find it.

Did you find it? We’ve got the answer at the bottom of this article, but if you couldn’t find it, try again before scrolling down. Here’s a hint if you need it. Think not just vertically and horizontally, but also diagonally. Now, when you’re ready, scroll down to see if you found it.














How did you do? If you got it correct, congratulations! You’re in the top 1% of intelligence.