via Jojoba: Whether you are plagued with dry hair, oily hair, or...
If it's your birthday, I hope you're having a great one....
18-year old Cassie Berta and Seth Moffitt from Bettendorf, Iowa have...
How many times have you apologized this week? That time you arrivedĀ late,...
Late night talk show host Jimmy Fallon has some pretty funny...
Sed diam eget dolor posuere convallis vel vel nisl. Nulla sagittis efficitur ex, at sodales massa pulvinar a. Nunc quis lacinia eros. Fusce ac ipsum gravida, tristique sed felis augue dictum nec consectetuer quis. Elementum eu arcu nunc ornare nam. Vitae libero mauris suspendisse vitae purus. Ligula morbi.
What is the true meaning of the word "friend?" For most of...
Do you ever feel like going outside, but it's too cold...
If you have a child you know how expensive and confusing...
In today's political climate, we are bearing witness to statements like...
In all of the ruckus caused by 2016, there has been...
A photo of a severely stooped elderly woman looking at empty...
A lot of girls dream of living happily ever after in...
Contrary to popular belief, you can have a good time all...