13 Architecture Disasters, AKA Why Regulations Matter

Do you ever wonder why we have so many regulations on what can be built where? Well, I figured it out – it’s because there are really dumb people in the world. Living in the south, I’ve seen people try to do some interesting things with duct tape, but these images that I’ve found are even weirder. Here are some tips: don’t put a slide on the edge of the roof, and don’t put an outlet right below the sink! Without further ado, the following are 13 pictures that explain why building regulations exist in the funniest and weirdest ways possible.

These Are Some Prickly Seats

Via Bored Panda

Slide To Your Doom, Children!

Via Bored Panda

Turn On The Sink, I Dare You

Via Bored Panda

Wanna Go Swimming With Your Bike?

Via Bored Panda

I Call This The Scary-Go-Round

Via Bored Panda

Doors For Spiderman

Via Bored Panda

How Did This Even Happen?

Via Bored Panda

Something Tells Me There Might Be A Car Crash Soon…

Via Bored Panda

Tires As Foundation? Sure, Why Not?

Via Bored Panda

Slide To Your Doom, The Sequel

Via Bored Panda

This Is Asking For A Broken Window!

Via Bored Panda

Just Try Escaping A Fire With This Emergency Exit

Via Bored Panda

Nice Place For A Telephone Pole

Via Bored Panda

If you’d like to see more of these disasters, check out this article by Bored Panda!

Featured image via Bored Panda