Cops Pull Parents over While Military Son Who Just Returned Home Waits to Surprise Them

Military deployment is when a military Service Member’s home station is moved somewhere outside of its territories. Sometimes they are being deployed to another country to enter a combat zone, but unit deployment does not restrict combat; it can also be for other reasons like humanitarian aid.

It would be hard for parents, especially for a mother whose son is being sent for deployment to another country. Children will be the mother’s babies no matter how old they are because giving birth to them completes her being a woman. The relationship between them will establish right after birth, and the bond between them will grow as the years passed.

For eleven months, Nancy and Richard Stahl’s son Kenneth, twenty, was deployed to the Middle East, including Iraq, Syria, and Kuwait as a private in the national guard. He was able to return home early because he was accepted into Fairmont State University. But he decided not to tell his parents because he wanted to give them a surprise. So on the day of his arrival, he asked a friend and his brother who was in for a surprise to roll a video.

So his parents were pulled over by the Fairmont Police. Nancy thought she was being pulled over for overspeeding, but the police told them that the car was tied for drug transactions that they were required to go out of the vehicle. Soon as they were out, Kenneth exited from the other vehicle. And he caught his mother’s eyes, and Nancy screamed and ran over to his son and was so happy to be reunited with him. He then embraced both his parents. He was so happy to be back in the security of their home. Watch below to see more of the touching reunion.

Joining the Military is a big, life-altering decision that affects the soldiers and their parents.