Landscaping Pros Offer Free Services to Healthcare Workers to Help with Their Stress

If you’re looking for some good news, you’re certainly in the right place. This random act of kindness will surely brighten up your day! A project by a group of good Samaritans aims to put a smile on the frontline workers’ faces as they take a load off their already busy lives. Called Project Evergreen, the volunteers surprised a number of healthcare workers as they come home to a fully manicured lawn. This national non-profit project was headed by landscaping companies like Weed Man, together with its franchisees and other local heroes who agreed to provide free mowing services for the frontliners.

“We have a total of nine customers in the program and are blessed to be able to give back to the hard-working frontline workers who put their lives at risk every day,” said owner Jeff Kollenkark. The company alone was able to take the lawn care off of 38 healthcare workers’ to-do lists across six states. Such may seem like a small feat but it surely is a big help to those who literally face the challenges and stress of this pandemic on a daily basis. With this, the front line heroes get to spend more time with their family when not at work.

Not to mention that the beautified and cleaner environment at home can take some stress out of their busy lives during this trying time. The project was actually an extension of the initial GreenCare for Troops program which has been servicing military families since 2006. And when the volunteers of the initiative noticed how essential first responders needed the same aid, they knew they had to expand immediately. Now, they’ve been trimming hospital workers’ workload as they trim their grass and get their yard done.


Now, this is exactly the type of ‘corona kindness’ we all needed! My faith in humanity is certainly restored. I hope this will create a domino effect and inspire other companies too to help with what they have and radiate positivity when we most need it.