17 Ways to Get More Sleep When You’re Sick (And When You’re Not)

When you’re sick, something interesting can happen. You’re probably more tired, but at the same time, you may have a hard time getting to sleep. If this sounds confusing, don’t feel bad. Even scientists are sometimes bewildered by exactly why people need more sleep when they’re sick.

Nevertheless, evidence from scientific studies performed on roundworms and fruit flies indicate that feeling sleepier when you’re unwell is probably an essential survival mechanism. In fact, the fruit flies who stopped buzzing around to sleep after they were exposed to bacteria had a higher survival rate than those who continued their regular activities.

How to get more sleep when you're sick
Mohamed Hassan, Pixabay

Now that we know we need more sleep when we’re sick, exactly how do you go about actually catching a few more zzzzzz’s?

1. Try to Go to Bed Earlier to Get More Sleep When You’re Sick

If you’re lucky (or have a nice boss), you can take a short power nap during the day when you’re feeling sick. However, if that’s not on your agenda, one thing you can do is commit to getting to bed as early as possible. Lying on the couch watching TV doesn’t count. You need to be in your bed with the lights out.

Sleep more when sick
Ivan Oboleninov, Pexels

2. Use White Noise

It’s hard to imagine how people in pre-electric days slept. They couldn’t plug in a fan or sound machine for white noise to block out distractions, and they certainly didn’t have smartphone apps that provided it. A study by The Journal of Consumer Research showed that even the most mundane background noise can be effective even when people are well.

Here are some apps to try.

3. Take Medications for Symptom Management

If you have a cold or flu, one thing that can keep you awake is sniffling and coughing. Work with your doctor to identify some safe over-the-counter or prescription medications that offer some relief.

Medications won’t cure your cold or flu, but if you can control the symptoms a bit so that you can get some rest, the duration of the illness may be decreased.

Medication to help you sleep when sick
Jeshoots.com, Pexels

4. Eat a Light Meal Before Going to Bed

Are gastrointestinal health issues keeping you up at night? Try eating a light evening meal. A heavy meal can affect your sleep even on days you’re not sick. If you know you’re going to be eating heavily, try to eat earlier so that your stomach isn’t still working to digest your food.

5. Grandma Was Right: Eat Chicken Soup

Speaking of light meals, it turns out that your grandmother was onto something with her recommendation of chicken soup when you’re sick. Research suggests that both homemade and canned chicken soup offer anti-inflammatory effects that may aid in recovery.

In addition to the wholesome ingredients, the steam that comes up from the bowl offers some relief, and the broth helps you hydrate.

Chicken soup when you're sick
Jenvit Keiwalinsarid, Pexels

6. Take a Hot Bath or Shower

Not only is it relaxing, but a hot shower can also help you feel better before bed. The steam serves as a natural way to ease congestion, and the heat from the water is soothing. If you’re too weak to stand for a shower, consider a bath. Adding a few drops of eucalyptus or lavender essential oil will give even more therapeutic benefits.

Taking a hot bath when sick for sleep
Andrea Piacquadio, Pexels

7. Make Your Sleep Environment as Comfortable as Possible

Even if you’re not sick, you’ll get better sleep if your sleeping environment is as comfortable as possible. Most people sleep better in cooler temperatures, so crank down the air conditioning and snuggle up with some warm blankets if you’re cold. Sleep experts suggest a temperature range of 60 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit for optimal sleep.

8. Make it Really Dark in your Bedroom

Blocking out distracting light is essential for good rest when you’re sick. If you have dark curtains, you can close them to make your bedroom super dark. In the absence of dark curtains, you can hang a dark-colored sheet over windows as a temporary solution. Another option is a sleep mask that covers your eyes.

Dark romantic bedroom when you're sick
Tan Danh, Pexels

9. Stock Your Bedside Table with Stuff You’ll Need

Once you do go to sleep, there’s a good chance you’ll awaken when your symptom relief medications wear off. Put a basket on your bedside table that has everything you need in it. That way, when you wake up, you don’t have to get up and stumble through the house. With any luck, you can re-medicated and go right back to sleep.

Here are some things to put in your “sick basket.”

  • Thermometer
  • Bottle of water
  • Pain relievers
  • Bottle of honey (the squirt kind, for sore throats)
  • Cough drops
  • Healthy snacks
  • Pen and small notepad to write down when you take the medications

10. Avoid Caffeine Throughout your Illness

To get more sleep when you’re ill, consider skipping that afternoon coffee. Even if you usually have caffeine throughout the day with no negative effect on your sleep, when you’re ill, your body is out of whack and needs some extra TLC. Keep in mind that caffeine is found in tea, soft drinks, and chocolate, too. Instead of caffeinated tea and coffee, consider trying some soothing herbal teas.

How to sleep better when you're sick
Lisa Fotios, Pexels

11. Avoid Other Chemicals, Too

Caffeine’s not the only chemical that can affect your sleep. Alcohol, nicotine, and other chemicals can interfere with sleep as well. Abstaining for four to six hours before bed will help mitigate the effects of any chemicals.

12. Unplug Electronics an Hour Before Bed

Harvard Medical School has determined that the blue light from electronic devices interferes with sleep. Even though it’s technically environmentally friendly, blue light can impact circadian rhythms that contribute to effective sleep.

Unplug electronics before bed
Pixabay, Pexels

13. Avoid Stimulating Activities (Yeah, No Video Games)

It’s not just a matter of the blue light that comes with electronic devices. The stimulation of various activities on your phone can also affect your sleep. Right before bed when you’re sick isn’t the best time for that invigorating Words with Friends match, for example. Try reading for a while in bed, and you’ll slowly drift off to sleep.

Pillows on a bed for better sleep
Pixabay, Pexels

14. Elevate Your Head with Pillows

When you’re suffering from congestion and coughing, sleeping with your head elevated can help. You can elevate your head by sleeping with two or three stacked pillows. If nothing you do seems to help and you have a comfortable recliner somewhere in the house, go for it.

15. Declutter your Sleep Space

Ideally, your bedroom should be decluttered anyhow, but if it’s not, taking a few minutes to tidy up will make you feel better in the long run. It will also help if you’re not tripping over shoes and dirty clothes when you get up in the middle of the night.

Declutter your bedroom to sleep better when sick
Medhat Ayad, Pexels

16. Use Lots of Layers

Your body temperature can fluctuate when you’re sick. One minute you’re cold, the next you’re hot. Sleep in layers so that you can accommodate whatever temperature you’re feeling. Also, having a couple of blankets will help, too, so that you can adjust your bed accordingly.

17. Keep up Your Other Healthy Routines

Whatever you ordinarily do to keep yourself healthy, try to continue those activities when you’re sick. Take your vitamins, move around as much as you’re able, and eat healthily. Illness isn’t the time to throw all of your positive efforts out the window. Be sure to stay well hydrated by drinking plenty of water, herbal teas, and fruit juices.

Drink tea when sick, tea bags
Skitterphoto, Pexels

Now, Go Get Some Sleep!

Now that you’ve studied up on how to sleep better when you’re sick, now’s the time to go catch up on your sleep. You’ll heal more quickly if you do, and if you’re as lucky as those fruit flies, taking care of your body will make your life not only longer but also a lot happier.