5 Foods To Eat And Avoid For A Better Night’s Sleep

It can be hard to fall asleep once our heads hit the pillow. While you could always resort to counting sheep, a few changes in your diet may help you get some much needed shuteye.

The following recommendations are from Sammy Margo, who wrote the Good Sleep Guide


It’s a good idea to always have a jar of local honey on hand. While it can help with allergies and sore throats, a tablespoon before bed can help you doze off. That’s because the high glucose content helps turnoff the chemical orexin, which tells us to be alert. You could even try some on a…


Nutritionists are always telling us to eat more fruit. The high amounts of magnesium in this super fruit helps muscles to relax, and the serotonin and melatonin are natural sleep aides. For some added crunch and even more sleep benefits, why not chop one up, add some honey and then mix in some…


Almonds are another known super food. In addition to being heart healthy, they naturally reduce muscle and nerve function thanks to tryptophan. They’re also high in protein, which will help keep you full until breakfast. Speaking of breakfast…


They’re not just for breakfast. This tasty snack triggers insulin production that helps us nod off. It’s also rich in melatonin. If a bowl of oats with banana, honey and almonds doesn’t tickle your fancy though, don’t worry. How about something meatier like…


This one shouldn’t come as a surprise. We’ve all had that post-holiday meal slump where our bodies become one with the couch. That’s from the tryptophan found in the meat. If you don’t feel like roasting a bird before bed, some deli slices should do the trick.

So now that you know what you should eat, here’s what to avoid.


A glass of booze before bed might feel relaxing, but there’s a reason we get hangovers. Alcohol prevents us from entering a deep sleep. So think twice about that glass after a hard day.

Spicy Food

This is kind of a no-brainer. Spices can upset our stomach and cause indigestion, so save that spicy Kung Pao chicken for lunch.

Fatty Foods

Fatty foods can lead to heartburn, which doesn’t seem conducive to sleeping well. Enjoy a fatty treat after your lunch of spicy Kung Pao chicken, hours before you hit the sack.


Drinking coffee before bed doesn’t sound like a good idea, but apparently some people do it. The caffeine in it wakes us up, so don’t expect it to also help you fall asleep.


A favorite late night snack is cheese, but it’s best to eat this earlier in the day. It has large amounts of tyramine that contribute to alertness. Although nothing winds the day down quite like a glass of wine and some cheese.

H/T: Daily Mail

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