A BBC Sports Broadcaster Is Calling Games Between His Dogs and It’s the Best Thing Ever

Andrew Cotter, a BBC Sports Broadcaster finds an entertaining way to show his expertise during the lockdown. He broadcasted an endearing but extremely thrilling match between two amazing fighters named Olive and Mabel – his brilliant dogs.

A match called “Game of Bones” happened in the arena located at Cotter’s house. The video which is 1:17 minute long features the last minute of the game. In it, you can clearly see that Olive is leading and in possession of the bone while Mabel is quietly waiting for her chance at victory. During the game, an overconfident Olive even taunts her rival by letting go of the bone and putting it down to the floor. At about 20 seconds left on the game, the most awaited chance of Mabel happens. The patient Mabel sees an opportunity and grabs the bone under Olive’s paws making her the champion.


You might be curious about what is the prize for this intense battle. Well, the winner will receive the most priceless award of being called a “very good dog”. Many people who watched the video loved it and commended Andrew for his skillful commentary. Some people even stated that this is the best commentary of all time while others are requesting for a rematch.


You can watch the entertaining match and listen to Andrew Cotter’s commentary below.

Mabel’s action and attitude in this match prove a valuable lesson that good things come to those who wait. As for Olive, she gives her best but her overconfidence makes her lose her focus.

As of now, we are still waiting for the rematch between these two warriors. Will the quiet but dangerously alert Mabel maintain her title as a “very good dog” or will the strong and confident Olive learn her lesson and emerge as the new victor?

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