After Her Daughter Violates Dress Code, Mom Invites Principal To Go Shopping With Her

School dress codes are a hot topic right now, but this story deviates from the rest in an interesting way. What made this mother and daughter go viral was not so much the dress code violation itself, but the hilarious way that the mom reacted to it. Wondering what happened? Find out below.

13 Years Old And Dress Coded – Twice In A Row!

Via Bored Panda

Dr. Catherine Pearlman, a social worker from New York, was very annoyed when she found out that her 13-year-old daughter had gotten into trouble for violating the dress code, not once, but twice in a row. However, her frustration was not with her daughter; it was with the school. You see, the school’s rule is that shorts must go all the way below the fingertips. However, the girl’s legs and arms are both very long, and she overheats easily, making this rule difficult to follow.

Mom’s Response? This Hilariously Scathing Letter

Via Bored Panda
Via Bored Panda
Via Bored Panda
Via Bored Panda
Via Bored Panda

The sarcasm is unparalleled. Someone get this woman a medal! Dr. Pearlman initially posted this letter on NBC News’ TODAY Parenting Team community blog, but since then it’s been everywhere. Not only does it address the inherent problems with school dress codes; it also addresses just how difficult it is to buy clothes for a growing teen girl. The P.S. especially stuck out to me – boys should be held accountable for their actions just as girls should.

Other Parents Responded

Via Bored Panda
Via Bored Panda

Parents everywhere are getting fed up with dress codes that don’t make much sense. Sure, it’s good to teach kids what’s appropriate, but some of these rules are old and don’t fit in well with the modern age. Furthermore, a lot of dress codes seem to focus more on girls than boys – what’s the deal with that?

Tell Us What You Think!

Via Bored Panda

Are you a parent or a student? Have you had experiences with dress codes? If so, feel free to share! You can also check out this article at Bored Panda for more info on this story. Also worth checking out is Dr. Pearlman’s website, The Family Coach.

Featured image via Bored Panda