Anyone who has ever tried learning jive knows that it’s one...
Barbie's been around for more than 50 years, even though she...
One of my favorite things about raising children was watching them...
Kids are really funny. That's not just my opinion; that's basically...
While many toddlers are read to by their parents, it's rare...
Here's an adorable performance from a little Cuban boy that will...
Dirty laundry piled high. Clean laundry wrinkled on the only free...
More than 70 years after an American soldier gave his life...
Spring is in the air. The trees are budding, enticing us...
A galaxy from very far away will land on 2019 at...
When she was five years old, Connie Talbot won the heart...
Kids pass out anywhere, you can even find some hilarious babies...
Some people do not realize they have talent; it could be...
School dress codes are a hot topic right now, but this...
Parents have been taking embarrassing pictures of their kids for decades....